How to roll a joint?

What you need to roll a joint

To roll a cannabis joint, you'll need to assemble a handful of essential materials:

  • Cannabis, usually about a third of a gram per joint

  • Grinder

  • Rolling tray

  • Rolling papers (more below)

  • Filter or crutch, or material to make one (more below)

  • Chopstick, pen, or similarly shaped item

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Image by Ontario Cannabis Stores, via

How to roll a joint step-by-step

  1. Grind the Cannabis

    Separate and grind the buds with a grinder. A grinder ensures that the size and texture of the marijuana is uniform, resulting in a smoother, more even smoking. Pick apart the bud using your fingers if you don't have a grinder. As you remove any stems or seeds and make the pieces more or less the same little size, work gently to minimize damage to the cannabis trichomes.

  2. Make a crutch

    Grab a piece of thick paper or card stock and cut a rectangle-shaped strip approximately half an inch wide (34 inch if using king-size materials) to form a crutch. Fold the majority of the paper into an accordion form, then wrap the remaining paper around the accordion. Making crutches out of business cards is actually rather simple.

    Crutches are sometimes known as tips or filters. Some people refer to them as roaches.

  3. Load the joint

    Place the rolling paper on the tray with the sticky side up. Place the crutch where you want the mouthpiece to be and sprinkle marijuana in a column parallel to the crutch on the paper. Avoid overstuffing the joint by evenly distributing the bud.

    To make a cone joint, start rolling towards the mouthpiece and work your way to the tip, tapering as you go.

  4. Roll the joint

    It's finally time to get started. Pick up the cannabis-filled paper, making sure the adhesive-coated side is facing away from you. Pinch the paper into a taco form with your thumbs and index fingers, sifting it back and forth to spread the bud evenly and pack it down a bit. It's fine if some weed falls off; you may replace it later. Form the cannabis into a cylinder shape, not too loose so that it burns unevenly, but not too tight because then airflow gets inhibited. Roll the non-adhesive side of the rolling paper over the cannabis, tucking in the bud as you go. Roll with your thumbs and support the outside with your index fingers. Start by licking or wetting the sticky adhesive and slowly sealing the joint from the mouthpiece end. Grab a chopstick, pen, or similar long, cylindrical instrument to pack down the cannabis towards the mouthpiece once it is sealed. This is where you replace any cannabis that was lost throughout the rolling process.


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