Unlock the Potential of Your Weed Seeds: Top Tips!

As a cannabis enthusiast in Canada, you may find yourself with a collection of weed seeds at one point or another. But what should you do with these little gems? Don't let them go to waste! There are several ways to put them to good use, whether you're looking to grow your own plants, create a unique piece of artwork, or even whip up some nutritious edibles.

In this article, we'll cover five tips on what to do with weed seeds, ensuring you get the most out of your cannabis experience.

1. Grow Your Cannabis Plants

One of the most obvious weed seeds uses to grow cannabis plants. Since the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada in 2018, adults can grow up to four cannabis plants per household for personal use (with some provincial restrictions). Growing your plants can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to enjoy your favourite strains.

To get started, you'll need to germinate your seeds, which involves soaking them in water for a short period before planting them in a moist growing medium. Once your seeds have sprouted, you can transplant them into larger pots or an outdoor garden, depending on your preference and local climate. 

Be sure to research the specific needs of the strain you're growing, as different varieties may have unique requirements for light, temperature, and nutrients.

2. Create Cannabis Seed Art

If you're feeling creative, why not use your weed seeds to make a unique piece of art? Cannabis seed art can be a fun and engaging project that allows you to showcase your passion for the plant. You can use seeds to create intricate patterns, spell out words, or even design your cannabis-inspired logo.

To create your masterpiece, gather your seeds and any other materials you'd like to incorporate, such as paint, glue, or a canvas. Arrange your seeds in your desired design and secure them using a strong adhesive or clear-drying craft glue. 

Once your creation is complete, proudly display it in your home or share it on social media to show off your cannabis-inspired creativity.

3. Make Nutritious Hemp Seed Edibles

Although cannabis seeds aren't psychoactive, they're still packed with essential nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, and fibre. You can easily incorporate weed seeds into your diet by making hemp seed edibles. 

Simply grind your seeds into a fine powder using a coffee grinder or food processor, and then add the powder to your favorite recipes.

Some delicious and nutritious options include hemp seed smoothies, energy bars, and even homemade granola. By incorporating cannabis seeds into your diet, you'll enjoy a tasty treat while reaping the health benefits of this nutritious superfood.

4. Donate or Trade Seeds with Fellow Enthusiasts

If you have an abundance of weed seeds, consider donating or trading them with fellow cannabis enthusiasts. Many people are eager to try new strains or may be searching for a specific variety in your collection. By sharing your seeds, you can help others enjoy the benefits of cannabis and potentially receive some new and exciting strains in return.

You can find local cannabis clubs, online forums, or social media groups where like-minded individuals are open to trading or accepting seed donations. Just follow all local laws and guidelines when sharing your seeds.

5. Save Your Seeds for Future Use

Finally, if you're not quite ready to use your weed seeds but don't want them to go to waste, consider storing them for future use. Properly stored cannabis seeds can remain viable for several years, allowing you to grow plants or create seed art whenever ready.

To store your seeds, place them in a dark, cool, and dry environment, such as an airtight container in a cupboard or drawer. You can also add a small packet of silica gel to help control moisture levels. Be sure to label your container with the strain name and date to ensure you remember what treasures await you when you're ready to put your seeds to use.


Don't let your weed seeds go to waste! There are plenty of creative and practical ways to use them, from growing cannabis plants to creating unique art or nutritious edibles. By following these tips, you'll ensure that your weed seeds serve a purpose and enhance your cannabis experience in Canada.

Reserved Cannabis is a legal weed dispensary located in Etobicoke and Waterloo. If you’d like to order cannabis online, you’re in the right place. We can help you! We offer the best products for sale in Ontario. You can also find edibles, pre-rolls, herbs or extracts here. Shop online today!


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