How Different Ways of Smoking Cannabis Can Affect Your High

Cannabis is a popular recreational drug that is used for its psychoactive effects. The plant contains several chemical compounds, including THC, which is responsible for the high that users experience. One of the most popular ways to consume them is through smoking, but there are several different methods that can affect the high in different ways. In this article, we will explore some of the different ways of smoking cannabis and how they can affect your high.

  • Raw Cannabis

Raw cannabis refers to uncooked or unprocessed cannabis, which may be consumed in several ways. One of the most common ways is to eat it, either by adding it to food or by making it into a smoothie. Smoking raw cannabis is another option but it is not the most popular method. When smoking them, the high is typically less intense than other methods, but it can last longer. This is because the THC in raw cannabis needs to be activated through heat, and smoking it does not provide enough heat to fully activate the component.

  • Joints

Joints are one of the most popular ways to smoke cannabis. They are made by rolling cannabis into a paper or a blunt wrap, which is then smoked like a cigarette. The high from smoking a joint is typically fast-acting and intense, but it may not last as long as other methods. This is because the smoke from a joint is often hot and harsh, which can cause the THC to degrade faster. Additionally, smoking a joint can irritate the lungs and cause coughing.

  • Bongs

Bongs are a type of water pipe that is used to smoke cannabis. They typically consist of a bowl, a water chamber, and a long tube. The cannabis is placed in the bowl, and the smoke is filtered through the water before being inhaled. The high from smoking a bong is often described as being smoother and less harsh than smoking a joint. This is because the water filters out some of the harsh chemicals in the smoke. Additionally, bongs often allow for larger hits, which can result in a more intense high.

  • Dab Rigs

Dab rigs are a type of pipe that is used to smoke cannabis concentrates, such as wax or shatter. They typically consist of a glass chamber, a nail, and a torch. The concentrate is placed on the nail, which is heated with the torch, causing the concentrate to vaporize. The vapour is then inhaled through the glass chamber. The high is often described as being extremely intense and fast-acting. This is because concentrates contain much higher levels of THC than raw cannabis or even traditional forms of cannabis like joints or bongs.

  • Vaporizers

They work by heating the cannabis to a hot enough temperature to vaporize the THC but not hot enough to burn the plant material. The vapour is then inhaled through a mouthpiece. The high from using a vaporizer is often described as being similar to smoking a joint or a bong but with less harshness and a cleaner taste. Additionally, vaporizers may be more efficient than other methods, as they can extract more THC from the same amount of cannabis.


Indeed, the way you smoke cannabis can have a significant impact on the high that you experience. Joints are the most popular method, but they may not provide the smoothest or longest-lasting high. Bongs can offer a smoother and more intense high, while dab rigs can provide an extremely intense and fast-acting high. Vaporizers are a popular alternative that can provide a similar high to smoking but with less harshness and a cleaner taste. Ultimately, the best way to smoke cannabis is a matter of personal preference, and it may take some experimentation to find the method that works best for you.

If you are looking for a great source of cannabis vaporizers in Waterloo, look no further than our high-quality selections here at Reserved Cannabis. We are a cannabis store based in Waterloo and Queensway, Canada offers flower, pre-rolls, edibles and vapes. Feel free to click on our ‘Categories’ tab above for more of our cannabis accessories and their prices.


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